How do I get my listing to the top of search results?

To make sure we're providing the best experience for renters we push the most responsive and available listings to the top of search results.

If you have a listing on the Lite plan

If you chose the Lite plan when you made a listing this means you're responsible for responding to inquiries from renters as quickly as you can. The faster you respond the higher your listing will appear in results.

You also need to respond to every inquiry so no one is ignored. If you ignore an inquiry your listing will start to show up lower and lower until it's unlisted.

You can also bump your listing to top of results. If we think your listing might no longer be available (but is still listed) you'll get an email asking you to bump it. This allows you to tell us that you're still looking for a tenant, and we'll push your listings back up to the top of search results.

If you have a listing on the Leaseholder or Landlord plan

You will pre-approve applicants and lease dates before you list so they can book your listing without having to send you a message. Your listing will stay at the top of search results for as long as it's listed.

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