Constructive Eviction
Most states in the U.S. have laws that allow a tenant to break their lease if the rental has become unlivable.
"Constructive eviction" is a legal concept that allows a tenant to leave their rental and stop paying rent without any penalties. Although these laws vary from state to state, generally they apply in one of two scenarios: either the unit is uninhabitable or the landlord is seriously disrupting a tenant's ability to enjoy their rental.
Landlords can't violate a tenant's "warranty of habitability"
A tenant can claim constructive eviction if the conditions of their rental unit are unsafe or unhealthy—in legal terms, a breach of the implied warranty of habitability. All states have their own definition of what specifically makes a unit fit or unfit for a tenant to live in, but it's generally safe to assume that includes functional plumbing, heat, and electricity, as well as running water and protection from the elements. If a rental unit lacks these things, it isn't habitable and a tenant can leave.
Landlords can't violate a tenant's right to quiet enjoyment
The second scenario for constructive eviction is when a landlord violates their tenant's right to quiet enjoyment. If a landlord (or anyone else) claims an interest in a rental by, for example, demanding to use it even if the tenant doesn't want them to, this would be a breach of the covenant of quiet enjoyment. Quiet enjoyment, like the warranty of habitability, is implied in every rental lease. If a lease says anything to the contrary, then it is not valid.
Constructive eviction isn't a tenant's only option
If a tenant doesn't want to leave—and the problem isn't life-threatening—they could consider staying and withholding rent until the issue is repaired. Alternatively, they could fix the problem themselves and deduct it from the rent.
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